Starving, Dying Poor to Get Much-Needed Net Access

Okinawa, Japan ( – The world’s poorest nations reacted with elation yesterday after learning the G-8 economic powers have pledged to bring them into the digital economy by wiring their… Read more

Pregnant Women Can Fly

Minneapolis, Minn. ( -A new report by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology stating that pregnant women can fly safely until their 36th week is “misleading and dangerous,” according… Read more

Media: Typos in Microsoft Earnings Release!

Redmond, Wash. ( – Initially saddened and confused by this week’s strong earnings report from Microsoft, which gave it little to criticize, the media rebounded strongly today, noting the release… Read more

House Sends Spam Bill to Senate; Senate Spam Filter Deletes It

Washington, D.C. ( – The anti-spam bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday was sent to the Senate today, but the Senate’s spam filtering software automatically determined it… Read more

Study: Monogamists With More Than One Spouse May Become Polygamists

Washington, D.C. ( – According to a National Institutes of Health study, monogamists who are married to more than one spouse at a time have a significantly greater chance of… Read more

Bush Vows To Cut Internet Taxes

Fraser, Mich. ( – Speaking to a group of young voters at a Michigan campaign stop, Republican George W. Bush boldly pledged to cut Internet taxes in half, and waved… Read more


Cupertino, Cal. ( – Symantec issued an apology to Microsoft yesterday after the security software maker’s AntiVirus Research Center issued an alert for a “widespread and lethal virus known to… Read more

Conptr@Versjal Nev Kkeyboadr Duficulp to Lern^

DD@11las, =Tewas [(S$at’ireW|re.(om\ – AAA revolYtionary &new kkeybordf moeant to deplace #he trabiitional*l QWERTY arrrranjme3nt ov kkey$ i&s @1moast imnpoS$sible) +o use, aAcCoardng +o U*-ser$ wh07 ar4e Kkeerrurren+|y te$tin9 th%e… Read more

SatireWire to Lay Off Half of Staff

New Haven, Conn. ( – In an effort to appear in sync with the Internet economy, online humor site SatireWire today announced it will lay off 50 percent of its… Read more

New Web Site Launched for Those Without Internet Access

New York, N.Y. ( – Reacting to an alarming new report that warns of a widening “digital divide” between those who have Internet access and those who don’t, the United… Read more
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