PALO ALTO, CA ( — Millions of Photoshop users today circulated a Photoshopped image of Photoshoppers protesting outside the White House to show their anger at President Obama for refusing to release a photo of Osama bin Laden’s corpse — a photo they said would have gone on to become the most Photoshopped image of all time.
“I think the American people, who have suffered so much, have a right to see what we would have done with that image,” said Kenyon Tucker, a systems engineer in St. Louis. “Today alone I was going to ignore the project review I was supposed to do and put dead bin Laden on ‘The Apprentice,’ where he was going to get fired, and on the cover of Time magazine. He was going to be ‘Dead Person of the Year.’”
Photoshopper Eric Craig of Minneapolis said he was choosing between six different photos of Dick Cheney with a rifle when he got the news that no image of the al Qaeda leader would be forthcoming.
“It was almost like another 9/11 for me,” Craig said. “All my hopes and dreams were dashed in that instant. I was even going to use the reticulation filter and anamorphic pixel aspect ratio.”
Like many of the world’s estimated 30 million Adobe Photoshop users – many of whom actually own the program legally – Craig rejected the White House argument that the image of bin Laden is too “gruesome” to release.
“The White House knows as well as I do that as soon as they released that picture, we would do things to it that would, by comparison, make the original picture seem harmless,” Craig said. “I mean, what’s more offensive, a photo of bin Laden missing half his face, or a photo of bin Laden missing half his face standing next to Jesus who’s holding a gun and saying, ‘Alright, now turn the other cheek’?
“That’s totally my idea, by the way, if anyone tries to use it,” he added.
For Bobby Thayer of San Simeon, Cal., the most important issue for himself, and the rest of Photoshop Nation, is closure.
“They say bin Laden’s dead, but I’m just not going to be sure he is really, truly dead until I see the picture,” Thayer said. “And put it on the head of a moose standing next to Sarah Palin in a bikini holding a machine gun.”
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