Consumer Reports Says Consumer Reports Unsafe

Yonkers, N.Y. ( – Consumer Reports today issued a product safety warning on Consumer Reports, saying the popular magazine can easily overturn, has been linked to numerous hand lacerations, and… Read more

European Central Bank to Intervene in Football Matches

Frankfurt, Germany ( – In a surprising tactical shift, the frustrated European Central Bank announced yesterday it will no longer intervene to bolster the sagging euro, but will instead intervene… Read more

Lieberman Sits Shiva For Dead Dot-Com

Austin, Texas ( – In an apparent effort to win support from the Internet industry, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman sat shiva yesterday with executives of online furniture retailer… Read more

Big Tobacco Can't Afford Verdict; Smokers Must Buy More Cigarettes

Miami, Fla. ( – Tobacco companies insisted today the record $145 billion verdict against them will bankrupt the industry, but victorious plaintiffs refused to let the enemy off the hook… Read more


New York, N.Y. ( – Internet audience measurement firm Media Metrix, seeking to differentiate itself from competitors NetRatings and PC Data, announced yesterday it will no longer use the term… Read more
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